题目:Genetic & neural control of social behaviors: understanding how we mate, fight, and parent
报告人:Nirao M. Shah
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, UC, San Francisco
时间:2013年4月26日(周五),下午13:00-14:30 PM
Gonadal sex hormones are critical for the appropriate display of these sexually dimorphic behaviors in essentially all vertebrates. He will present recent data from his group that provides novel insight into the mechanisms whereby estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone control male and female repertoires of behavior. They have recently uncovered a set of genes whose expression is sexually dimorphic in specific regions of the hypothalamus and the amygdala. These novel patterns of dimorphic gene expression are controlled by adult sex hormones in a sexually dimorphic manner. The hypothalamus and amygdala are essential for sex-typical behaviors, and he will present data showing that the genes they have uncovered also control these behaviors. He will also discuss a novel genetic strategy that they have recently developed that permits targeted ablation of any desired set of neurons. Using this approach, they have identified a key center in the brain that controls sexual behavior and aggression. He will also discuss recent models they have developed for studying other instinctual social behaviors.